Table of Contents

Application arguments

Playnite executable accepts the following arguments from command line.

Argument Description
--start <gameId> Starts the game with the specified library ID.
--nolibupdate Skips library update on startup.
--startdesktop Forces the application to start in Desktop mode. If there's an existing instance already running in Fullscreen mode, it will be switched to Desktop mode.
--startfullscreen Forces the application to start in Fullscreen mode. If there's an existing instance already running in Desktop mode, it will be switched to Fullscreen mode.
--forcesoftrender Forces the application to use software render, disabling GPU acceleration.
--forcedefaulttheme Forces the application to use the default theme.
--hidesplashscreen Won't show startup splash screen.
--clearwebcache Clears web (CEF) cache on startup.
--shutdown Shuts down any existing instances of Playnite.
--safestartup Start playnite in Safe Mode, only loading built-in extensions and using default theme.
--backup Backup Playnite data
--restorebackup Restore Playnite data from backup

URI commands

Command Description Example
start Start a game. playnite://playnite/start/64f78cd1-0b00-4271-a9e1-89abc55f66cc
showgame Show game details for a specific game. playnite://playnite/showgame/64f78cd1-0b00-4271-a9e1-89abc55f66cc
search Open global search. Can specify default search keyword. Multi word search terms have to be properly encoded. playnite://playnite/search or playnite://playnite/search/quake%203

Extensions can register custom commands via Playnite SDK.