Table of Contents

Extension Toolbox utility


Toolbox is a Playnite utility that can be used for various tasks, mainly for creating extensions and themes. Toolbox is distributed with every Playnite installation and can be found in Playnite's installation directory.

Creating new extensions


Toolbox.exe new <themetype> <themename>

<themetype> available options:

  • DesktopTheme
  • FullscreenTheme

<themename> - name of the theme.


Toolbox.exe new desktoptheme "New Desktop Theme"


Toolbox.exe new <scripttype> <scriptname> <targetfolder>

<scripttype> available options:

  • PowerShellScript

<scriptname> - name of the new script extension.

<targetfolder> - folder to create script in.


Toolbox.exe new PowerShellScript "Testing Script" "d:\somefolder"


Toolbox.exe new <plugintype> <pluginname> <targetfolder>

<plugintype> available options:

  • GenericPlugin
  • MetadataPlugin
  • LibraryPlugin

<pluginname> - name of the new plugin extension.

<targetfolder> - folder to create plugin in.


Toolbox.exe new MetadataPlugin "GameDatabase metadata provider" "d:\somefolder"

Packing extensions

Toolbox.exe pack <extensionfolder> <targetfolder>

<extensionfolder> - extension directory (theme, script or plugin) to pack (in case of plugins it has to be folder with built binaries).

<targetfolder> - target directory where to save packed file.


Toolbox.exe pack "C:\Playnite\Themes\Fullscreen\TestingFullscreen" "c:\somefolder"

... will create c:\somefolder\TestingFullscreen.pthm package.

Verify manifests

Toolbox.exe verify <manifest_type> <manifest_path>

<manifest_type> - addon for addon browser manifest or installer for package installer manifest. addon verifies linked installer manifest automatically.

<manifest_path> - Path to manifest yaml file. Local full path or HTTP URLs are supported.

Toolbox.exe verify <manifest_type> <manifest_path>